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AHHHH ! This creeped me out so much! This game was sooo good! It got to me really bad and I'm still creeped out hours later! I hope you like my video and my review of the game. Please subscribe and like if you do. Thanks guys xoxo

Great idea for a game, and the horror was on point




🔲 My 90-year-old grandma could play it 

✅ Easy 

🔲 Normal   

🔲 Hard

🔲 "Dark Souls"

- Accessibility -

✅ Easy to figure out 

🔲 Takes some time to figure out

🔲 Hard to figure out

🔲 Very Unclear


🔲 "MS Paint"

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

✅ Graphics don't matter in this game

🔲 Decent

🔲 Good

🔲 Beautiful

🔲 Masterpiece

- MUSIC && SFX - 🔲 None

🔲 Bad

🔲 Not special

✅ Good

🔲 Beautiful


🔲 This game has no story it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ simulator/Shooter

✅ Like playing "Temple Runners" for the story

🔲 It's there for the people who want it

🔲 Well written

🔲 Epic story  


✅ Free

🔲 Underpriced

🔲 Perfect price

🔲 Could be cheaper

🔲 Overpriced

🔲 Complete waste of money


✅ You can run it on a microwave

🔲 Average

🔲 High end

🔲 "NASA" computer


✅ Super Short  (0-10 minutes)

🔲Very short (0 - 1 hours)

(haven't played it fully)

🔲 Short (1 - 10 hours)

🔲 Average (10 - 30 hours)

🔲 Long (30 - 70 hours)

🔲 Extremely long (70 - 110 hours)

🔲 No ending

- FUN -

🔲 I'd rather watch paint dry

🔲 Hard to enjoy

🔲 Repetitive

✅ Actually pretty scary

🔲 Ride of your life


✅ It's a one-time experience

🔲 Only for achievements

🔲 If you wait a few months/years

🔲 Definitely (you can always go back and improve and is still enjoyable

🔲 Infinitely replayable

Special Thanks to BLUEY from Steam (Creator of the template)

- MARKETING - (How well your game page)

🔲Very Weak (No photos/videos/Description/Story/External Links + Devlogs)

🔲Weak ( No photos/videos/Story/External Links + Devlogs)

🔲Good (No videos/ External Links + Devlogs)

✅Great (has all the above)

 Hey! I played your game on my stream! Watch it to see the live review!  Here's the link for it: 😄
Game Number: 2
Review Ended at: 2:03:00

  I would also appreciate if you could give an opinion on our latest game. Game devs advice is precious because we know better what it takes to make something work. It's called "Backdoor Shifts"


Wow. Impressive.


Not going to lie, I had way to much making the thumbnail for the vid on this game, but I really loved the creepy atmosphere of this game! Excited to see how you might expand this further, and loved "created by" screen ;)


The game is very good


Made in one day? Legit impressed, great quality. Mind if I ask where you gathered the assets from?


Mostly Pexels and Freesound.


This is amazing! imagine if there was an element where you can put in your email and it sent you an acceptance message or something as a joke :0

That's not a bad idea. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks!


This was fantastic the whole way through! Perfectly captures that Mandela Catalogue vibe, but still has it's own unique charm. I loved the connection to Red Riding Hood btw, nicely done! Great work!

I like

manhella catlog


Great Game!!!!

Wow goodjob with this game it actually creeped me out :D

Btw I'm trying to reach 60 subs so if you guys enjoyed this video it would mean a lot to me that you'd consider subscribing to my channel :)
(1 edit)

Ok fine (although we know you aren't trying to reach 60 subs, you're trying to reach a lot more than that lmao)


Great analog horror game. 


Really strange, very Mandela Catalog like! Analog horror is so disturbing but I cant get enough!


Analog horror typically does not get to me- it feels as though I'm often watching a series of randomly generated events. It never really interests me. This was different. Playing through something of this style was genuinely very unsettling- I can't explain it. The entire time I felt like it was gonna say something a little too personal. I hesitated to answer some of the initial questions because they were just- you know- unsettling. Well made game, keep up the good work. 


Thank you so much. I'm very glad you enjoyed it!

Show post...



Interesting and atmospheric game. 


I really love how there's something WAY deeper hiding in this game. I played through a second time choosing separate decisions to see if they would effect the outcome! A lot of fun and A LOT of very subtle spookiness! Very good job!  

Thanks for playing! I had plans for the decisions affecting the ending but didn't get to it.

(1 edit) (+2)

честно говоря, действительно напряжённая атмосфера игры. провелся, что этот "тест" очень серьёзный и от выбора всё зависит. музыка в конце (игнорируем текст, который читает диктор) для меня волну чувства ностальгии. в общем оцениваю игру и идею на 9/10
(есть ли название композиции в конце? просто хотелось бы узнать, бузыка действительно мне понравилась)


Thank you! I had to use Google Translate to figure out what you said so I'm not sure I got it right, but are you asking for the title of the song?


yes (sorry I had to write in Russian. I'm not very good with this language)


It is "Days To Remember" by Evgeny Bardyuzha and don't worry about it.


This thoroughly spooked me I love it!!


properly spooky, could have done with a bit more story building, like the call was super interesting and it would have been cool to see more of it. But overall great game!


Thanks! I'll keep it in mind.


I love the analog horror. :)




Super high quality, creepy and intriguing, especially towards the end. I loved the sound design, graphical esthetic and overall, the game just did everything for me. 
Can't wait for that letter ;). Good work! 


Thanks for playing! You made me realize there were two bugs in my game haha.

Thank YOU for creeping me out! <3

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