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is this related to the kice phenomenon?


What Godot version you used to make this game?


It was made in v3.4.1.stable.official

Thanks for the information, and nice game!


This game was really cool although it was also quite confusing, the story could have been more developed, but good game!
i just finished, it's pretty cool if it actually gives you a letter or some kind of a gmail.. so does it actually do that?

before i can play.. does it have jump scares? not that i am scared or anything.. just curious :I


you probably already played it but nah, it doesn't have any

(1 edit) (+2)

i didn't (thanks :) )


Now that was fun! It reminds me of the Catalogue one 


Chills. God damn chills.


it reminds me of Mandela Catalog



while playing this game, i wore a new pair underwear. turns out they had shit marks on them so i had to return them, and i got a second pair for free. i wore them and they also have shit marks, turns out i was the one leaving the shit marks while i played this game. also im gay






what do you not get? how can i be any clearer?


erm what the sigma


Does 8E2A14 and EVGBFMAFKUFC mean something or a code or is it just random letters and numbers


it for sure means something. i forgot what it was tho


The game is more creepy than scary but I still had a good experience :)


hope i got the job. guess i'll know soon. can't wait to get a submissive doppelganger gf





letter arrives tomorrow y’all !!!!!!!


next year maybe


My letter's coming tomorrow guys wish me luck






it's not loading at all for me… any suggestions ??


try a different browser or maybe download the PC version?


Playing this on april 21th gotta be the scariest part of it.


did you know your parents are siblings?




Man, I just eat this stuff up. I think it's lacking a bit of the subtlety that separates the good from the great, but it's hard to really nail that in such a short experience. Fantastic work all the same. 


yeah i took more of a stream of consciousness approach while making it if that makes sense. didn't really have time to put too much thought on the story. any specific example of this lack of subtlety you mention?

(5 edits) (+1)

It does make sense, and If that method keeps you creating, then stick with it! Hell, it makes the turn out all the more impressive since you made it while just going with the flow. The poem at the end specifically is really the only thing I'd critique. Rather than have it given all at once, I think it would have better served the experience to feed it passage by passage throughout the entire experience. I think the pacing for the distorted images was handled well, but would have served as a prime opportunity to add in the story piecemeal. Perhaps something along the lines of having the text appear when the player tries to choose an option, then disappear once the passage is displayed, allowing the player to actually make their choice and progress. 

As some extra spice, I think having the player click their choice beforehand to no effect at all would be effective, too. Have a sound cue so they know the game was registering their input, but to no avail. After the second or third click, the passage would then display. Using that anymore than twice would lead the player to expect it, so less would be more here, but I think it would add well to the atmosphere. Overall, I think this would help to better pace out the delivery of the story while also further disjointing the normalcy of progression through the questions. It also would have fit with the delivery of the police call, I feel. 

When the majority of the story is given right at the end, it just makes it feel at odds with the otherwise slow and steady build up of the rest of the game. It goes from letting the player speculate about what may happen to simply telling them directly without any kind of stopgap. Some of the best analog horror I've seen over the years, along with much of the ones found wanting, are seperated largely in part by this. Obviously, that's just my take, and I hope I'm not coming across as rude. 

I definitely get that it would be hard to work that smoothly into the experience as it is at present, given its length. If your next project has similar things, those would be the only recommendations I really have on offer. Hope it helps or gives you an idea or two! 


What a strange little test! And it's April...😅 (German gameplay in video)

I sharted myself while playing and it was just 10 minutes if it was longer i think i woudve drowned in my own shart


my bad


I'm playing this in April, I have 9 days to get a letter lol


Pretty Scary nice and short, 4 stars


This game was Petrifying. Kept me on my seat and so did my stream. Interesting!


lol its April right now and the 23 is 12 days away 👀


its 22 and the 23 is one day away


who the fuck asked you?


just shared the date bro why you hating on me




Love the game but wondering do I come back to it on the date it told me to?


just started! will comment what i think when im done


not sure what happened at the end but i was terrified the whole time


that's what i like to hear


as someone who experiences horrible nighttime anxiety, me being about to play this is probably going to be a mistake lol. will tell you what i think once i finish it :]


haha i will not sleep at night 


my bad


NAH THIS WAS A GREAT GAME! was it inspired by Mandela Catalogue? I swear those videos kept me up for several nights, and now I'm gonna be keeping an eye out for alternatives once again.. thanks for that! xD But yeah no fr tho, great job on this. 10/10 will show this to all my friends!


Bad game, too many Martyna. Raghnild still in the tree. Not scary. Ok


my bad ig


i never will sleep again. 10/10


really good game, gave me goosebumps 4 or 5 times when i was playing it

real good keep it up


you told me its 10-15min but i finished it in 8 mins (asides from that cool af game 8/10)


i dont wanna look out my window anymore 10/10


yeah cuz ima be out there waiting for you


scary as fuk


what the fuck dude, stop with the fucking profanities fucking idiot there are fucking children on this fucking website and you have the fucking audacity to expose them to this fucking language how fucking imature do you have to be to do such a fucking idiotic thing you piece of worthless motherfucking, shit eating, dick sucking, cousin kissing, ball sniffer, mokey shit ball bad, gay, disabled, bald walter white looking headass, sandy cheeks ass teeth, you cant even spell hamster right you put fucking hampter in your username you dumb fuck honestly i hope that when god comes back to earth he forgets about you and leaves you alone to rot on the earth but you never die you just sit there in pain and agony now im gonna go poop dont use that fucking langauge anymore fucknuts.


mate calm the fuck down 


like seriously what did i do to offend u. go argue to someone on reddit not me just tryna play a game.

btw heard u dont like hamsters so uhhh


A lot of "Fuck" and "Fucking", eh?


Great time, I absolutely love these kinds of games! Yours is the second on the video!

i bet you love little kids too


the fuck is your problem


That was.. woah. 10/10


that was what? it got cut off can you say that again?


Really good game!! Creeped me out thoroughly!! :D

i got goosbumps after playing at 1 in the morning


im gona bump on your goose


good game



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